Learn To Train In Game Intensity to perfect your performance
An elite level of intensity during training leads to the superior outcomes in competition.
Get certified vertimax training today!
We are Certified Vertimax and Sports Performance Trainers on the cutting edge of training techniques to keep athletes ahead of their competitors.
elite speed training designed for your sport
Gain fast, explosive speed in sports with multi-planar movement as well as linear.
Next Level training for your brain
Our Neurocognitive program enhances cognitive abilities and stimulates brain-wave activity with the elite technology of SENAPTEC.
Master proper biomechanics to increase performance
Learn how to improve your sports performance and reduce risk of injury with proper biomechanics.
Gain strength and power with resistance and body weight training
Get personally designed resistance training programs to build power and muscle endurance.
Consistency Equals results Everytime
We use scientific based research to design training programs to maximize results.

The Vertical Zone

Philly Vertimax Podcast
The Covid Code
Mental Motivation
Vertical Foundation

Philly Vertimax Brochure

Virtual Training Guide
Read our virtual guide for more information on our training program. Download the brochure directly via .pdf or share via your social media network.
Download Now

Jump Training Clinics

Jump Training Clinic
Sign up for our Vertical Jump Training clinics which includes body weight, sports performance, speed/agility and Vertimax training.
Sign Up Now!

Next classes Today

  • 10:00 - 10:45
  • with stev Johnson
  • 11:00 - 11:45
  • with stev Johnson
indoor cycling
  • 1:00 - 1:45
  • with stev Johnson
muscle build
  • 10:00 - 10:45
  • with stev Johnson
yoga beginners
  • 11:00 - 11:45
  • with stev Johnson
  • 1:00 - 1:45
  • with stev Johnson

certified Vertimax Trainer

Coach Ross

Certified Vertimax/Sports Performance Trainer

Coach Ross

Dana Roberts Ross is a certified Sports Performance/Vertimax and personal/group trainer. She is currently a USATF Youth Track & Field Coach as well as a member of the USATF Masters program.

As owner of both Pure Quality Fitness™, and Philly Vertimax™, Roberts Ross offers personal, group and team programs for professional to youth athletes seeking developmental and advanced athletic/sports performance training.


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Read Our blog

Philly Vertimax Rope Training

5 Ways Jumping Rope Increases Your Vertical

March 19, 2023 by pqceo (0) Comments

Jumping rope is a fun and effective way to increase your vertical jump. Not only is it an excellent cardiovascular workout, but it also…

Why You Should Strengthen Your Achilles

March 19, 2023 by Trainer (0) Comments

If you're an athlete looking to improve your vertical jump, then you know that there are many factors that can impact your performance. One…

PVmax Jump Training 1

Jumper’s Knee

April 9, 2022 by Trainer (0) Comments

What is Jumper's Knee? A common injury experienced by athletes in various sports is Patellar tendon pain (also known as “jumper’s knee”). According to…

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  • At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.


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Featured Training programs

The Vertical Zone

Philly Vertimax Podcast
The Covid Code
Mental Motivation
Vertical Foundation

Philly Vertimax Brochure

Virtual Training Guide
Read our virtual guide for more information on our training program. Download the brochure directly via .pdf or share via your social media network.
Download Now

Jump Training Clinics

Jump Training Clinic
Sign up for our Vertical Jump Training clinics which includes body weight, sports performance, speed/agility and Vertimax training.
Sign Up Now!

Training FAQs

What is the age limit?

We have trained athletes as young as 8 years old using the Vertimax. The resistance bands installed on the Vertimax are customized to suit the user’s age and athletic abilities. Resistance on each band type is adjustable to suit each user’s needs. Minimum resistance levels can be set as low as 2 lbs, which is suitable for younger athletes. There are many useful exercises that adolescents can conduct on Vertimax to enhance athletic abilities and reduce the probability of a sports injury, without ever jumping or leaving the platform surface. Our training program includes multiple stabilization and core training exercises that will help young athletes gain better neuromuscular control of their bodies, while increasing basic strength.

When will I see results?

The speed at which results are noticed, or measured, vary with every athlete. Typically, you will see vertical jump and speed improvements in as little as two to four weeks. We provide additional training via our app to compliment the one on one Vertimax sessions. 

How often should I train?

During “off season training” no more than 3 training sessions a week.  Optimally, for higher level athletes three-four times a week will provide better performance enhancements. For “in season training” Vertimax training should be used no more than twice a week.

How many athletes can use the Vertimax at the same time?

Up to 5 athletes can train on our V8 EX platform at one time. Four athletes can be hooked up around  the perimeter of the systems and train off-platform, while a fifth athlete standing on the platform can conduct resisted jump training.


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Starting $19.99
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