Philly Vertimax Rehab and Injury Prevention

Rehab & Injury Training

Philly Vertimax Rehab & Injury Training

Resistance band training has proven to be just as beneficial to non-athletes as it is to athletes. Our Certified Vertimax Trainers have formed creative partnerships with physical therapists, sports injury specialists and trainers to develop and apply various training modalities for individuals needing rehabilitation or injury prevention training. The use of this resistance band technology successfully transitions individuals from a stabilized training environment to challenging, multi-planar movements.

How Can I Get My Child/Athlete in the Rehab & Injury Training Program?

Once an injury occurs, the process of  building strength, improving balance, flexibility and endurance must be carefully designed. After Philly Vertimax Rehab and Injury Preventionproper examination of the injury by a medical professional has been completed and cleared for therapy, contact us for consultation with our physical therapy partners. Then we can further discuss and plan a comprehensive resistance band training program for your child/athlete.

What Are the Fees for the Rehab & Injury Training Program?

After we consult and define the status of the injury and the proper length of rehab training, we can better ascertain scheduling and fees.  For more information, contact us directly, 267-587-7348 or register via our training packages today! > CLICK HERE

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