Philly Vertimax Speed Training Drills

Vertimax Speed Training

Vertimax Speed Training is paramount to any training program serious about effectively increasing an athlete’s speed strength. The patented design of Vertimax products paired with our training techniques give you powerful, unmatched outcomes.

We train athletes of all levels to efficiently maximize their speed strength. As a result,  athletes developPhilly Vertimax Speed Drills impressive speed gains. In addition, our program includes training modalities for athletes who need fast, explosive speed in multi-planar movements as well as linear. Therefore, enhancing an athlete’s overall potential to gain speed far beyond their competitors’ ability.

VertiMax training has become increasingly popular in recent years among athletes looking to improve their speed, agility, and overall performance. This training system utilizes specialized equipment that allows athletes to perform explosive movements while being tethered to resistance bands. The goal of this type of training is to increase an athlete’s power and speed by enhancing their ability to produce force and accelerate quickly.

Philly Vertimax Speed TrainingThe VertiMax system was first developed in the early 2000s and has since been used by professional athletes across a range of sports, including football, basketball, soccer, and track and field. The system consists of a platform with resistance bands attached to it, allowing athletes to perform a range of exercises that simulate explosive movements. These exercises include jumps, sprints, lateral shuffles, and other agility drills that are essential for developing speed and power.

One of the key benefits of VertiMax training is that it allows athletes to train at higher speeds than they would be able to without resistance. This is because the resistance bands provide a counterforce that athletes must overcome to accelerate. By training at high speeds with resistance, athletes can improve their ability to produce force and accelerate quickly, which translates directly to faster sprint times and improved overall speed.

In addition to speed, VertiMax training can also improve an athlete’s agility and overall athleticism. This is because the resistance bands force athletes to engage their core muscles and stabilize their joints during explosive movements. This increased stability and control can help athletes change direction quickly, maintain balance, and reduce their risk of injury.

Another benefit of VertiMax training is that it can be customized to the needs of individual athletes. The resistance bands can be adjusted to provide different levels of resistance, making it possible to create aPhilly Vertimax Track and Field Speed a training program that targets specific areas of weakness or focuses on developing specific skills. This customization allows athletes to tailor their training to their sport and position, ensuring that they can perform at their best when it matters most.

Overall, VertiMax training is a highly effective way to increase an athlete’s speed, agility, and overall performance. By utilizing resistance bands to train at high speeds, athletes can improve their ability to produce force and accelerate quickly, leading to faster sprint times and improved performance on the field or court. If you are an athlete looking to take your performance to the next level, consider incorporating VertiMax training into your workout routine.

How Does This Technology Make You Faster?

To give you a better understanding of how Vertimax technology was designed to enhance an athlete’s potential for speed, click here.

Our knowledge in bio-mechanics as it pertains to an athlete’s sport gives us a solid foundation to design an efficient speed strength program. Our programs are Vertimax strength specific.  Meaning, we use the Vertimax to increase an athlete’s speed as opposed to utilizing free weights and single resistance bands.

Call us now to register for our Vertimax Speed Training program! Or register via our training packages today! > CLICK HERE

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