
Philly Vertimax Team Training

Vertimax team training strengthens your team on and off the platform. Our Certified Vertimax Trainers become an extension of your team’s training staff. We work with coaches to design a comprehensive program to achieve successful performance outcomes.

Team Training – Goals/Benefits

  • Improves overall athleticism
  • Improves speed/first step explosive quickness                                                                Philly Vertimax Team Training
  • Maximizes vertical jump lift
  • Maximizes multiplanar speed and agility
  • Provides injury preventive training
  • Increases functional strength (especially for athletes in need of rehabilitation due to injury)
  • Provides competitive edge over competition
  • Coaches your team through the physical and mental aspects of training; teaching them to love the process.
  • Provides nutritional profiles and meal plans

In addition, team training strengthens the dynamics of team building, therefore improving the culture and accountability for a successful season.

Team Training – What to Expect

Our team training  program utilizes resistance training on the Vertimax to enhance an athlete’s speed, power, explosiveness and strength. In addition, we incorporate some of the following off platform training and exercise techniques to improve their overall athleticism:

                                                                     *Speed, Agility, Explosive Training
                                                                     *Neurocognitive Training
                                                                     *Body Weight Training
                                                                     *Visual & Mental Preparation

Each session will be no more than 120 minutes. This includes a warm-up and warm down. Warm ups are key to efficient and safe training. Please try to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your scheduled team training. MostVertical Jump Testing importantly, hydration is important, so be sure to bring plenty of water and a towel.

Can you Come to Our School/Facility to Train our Athletes?

Yes! If you would like your team trained in your facility, we can accommodate you. For facilities/schools equipped with the Vertimax training technology, we can train your athletes and/or coaches to show you how to maximize your results! Just call or text to schedule a meeting.

Philly Vertimax Jump TrainingHow Can I Register for the Vertimax Team Training Program?

To register your team, call us to set up an appointment for your free Pre-Training Assessment session. After we define your team’s current fitness level, then we will design a plan to get them where you need them to be.  Call our certified Vertimax trainers directly at
267-587-7348.  Above all, we know coaches don’t keep traditional hours, so feel free to send us a text message via our number any time.

How Much Does the Vertimax Team Training Program Cost?

Training packages are customized according to size of team, length of training needed and other variables. For example, a football team may seek training solely for their quarterbacks or wide receivers. We design team programs based on your team goals. For ease of initial processing and addressing your team’s needs, contact us for directly for appropriate fees and scheduling.

Check the Science

This world renown technology speaks for itself. Because we want you to be well informed, click here to see how the engineers of the Vertimax describe how it works and the benefits gained.

We look forward to working with you to elevate your team’s sports performance.


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